Wednesday, 3 July 2019

ABC Christmas challenge 3rd to 31st July

We have a brand new fun packed ABC Christmas Challenge
We have some awesome themes this month and all you have to remember when playing is your project must be christmas ...

Oh and don't forget to check the winners post to see if you were a lucky winner of our last challenge!

The two themes for you this month are:
N - No peeking


 O - Ornament

 I am the Sponsor for this months challenge and well let me share with you Its my Birthday this month and I have a YUKKI big birthday Shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuush!
don't tell anyone I was born in 1969 I'll let you all do the maths and then I don't need to say the Number I said when I was 40! I was going in reverse so in fact I will be 10 years younger than 40.... hahaha 

OK so I have 8 prizes to give away so come and join us and happy playing

I have put a photo of all the prizes together so the post is not overloaded with photos 

This months Challenge runs from 3rd to 31st July

If you are on instagram please use the hashtag #abcchristmaschallenge

I am hoping to get my tmy creation photographed and uploaded asap
hugs me x

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